SDLC Bing Bang Model: - SDLC


SDLC: et's explore the complete life cycle of software development in this blog

SDLC Bing Bang Model:

SDLC Bing Bang Model:

No particular procedure followed in this SDLC model. sdlc

To get started with the big bang model, you need money and effort. sdlc

The outcome of the project might or might not be according to the requirements of the client. sdlc

Similar to the mindset of RAD, the Big Bang Model also jumps into the project with little planning, but the focus is on the software development and coding instead of the prototype. sdlc
It’s great for small projects with small teams, relying on action rather than planning.  sdlc
It requires minimal resources and total flexibility to the developers. It is a high-risk option that would be nearly impossible on projects with complex needs, but is good for short term ideas with unknown requirements. sdlc
Also, because it does involve unknown aspects and little planning, there is potential for projects utilizing the Big Band Model to become costly. sdlc
This model used when the customer is not sure what exactly he needs. sdlc
The requirements not investigated as well. sdlc
As such, no predefined procedure followed in this model, so the requirements of the clients implemented on the go. sdlc
This model used by small development teams. sdlc
Why should you use the Big Bang Model? sdlc
  • Offers flexibility to the developers sdlc
  • Modules managed easily. sdlc
  • No formal procedure required. sdlc
  • Simple to use.sdlc
  • Require very less planning. sdlc

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